sabato 27 luglio 2013

Tankborn Trilogy

Non vi volete mica perdere un'altra trilogia distopica interessante, vero? Sto parlando di Kayla 6982 di Karen Sandler, ovviamente. Per avere questo libro ci ho messo mesi ma ne è valsa la pena, per il 1° almeno...quindi non voglio immaginare quando riuscirò a mettere le mani sul seguito. Al momento non sono a conoscenza di novels e simili.
1. Kayla 6982 (Titolo originale:Tankborn)
2. (Titolo originale: Awakening)
3. (Titolo originale: Revolution)
Casa editrice:  Giunti
Autrice: Karen Sandler (Goodreads) -
1. Kayla 6982
Il pianeta Loka è stato colonizzato da un'élite di terrestri facoltosi e spregiudicati, gli unici superstiti di una Terra ormai inabitabile. Fra loro ci sono scienziati senza scrupoli che hanno creato una sub-razza di schiavi da sfruttare biecamente. Sono androidi senzienti costituiti da genoma umano e circuiti elettrici, e occupano il posto più infimo della società nel sistema di caste gerarchiche di Loka. Ma queste creature hanno un cuore, un'etica e una volontà. Sono quasi umani e, forse, troppo umani. Questa è la storia di una di loro, la quindicenne Kayla 6982 che, con l'aiuto dell'amica Mishalla, si lancia in una pericolosa avventura per scoprire le terribili verità che si nascondono dietro al mostruoso piano degli umani. Una trama sorprendente in cui si intrecciano umiliazioni, razzismo, coraggio e lealtà, ma in cui trova posto anche l'amore. Sul polveroso pianeta Loka, illuminato da due pallidi soli, sboccia la storia proibita fra un umano di alto rango, nipote di un vecchio scienziato illuminato, e la giovane Kayla.
2. Awakening
Once a GEN (genetically engineered nonhuman) girl terrified of her first Assignment, Kayla is now a member of the Kinship, a secret organization of GENs, lowborns, and trueborns. Kayla travels on Kinship business, collecting information to further the cause of GEN freedom. Despite Kayla’s relative freedom, she is still a slave to the trueborn ruling class. She rarely sees trueborn Devak, and any relationship between them is still strictly forbidden. Kayla longs to be truly free, but other priorities have gotten in the way. A paradoxically deadly new virus has swept through GEN sectors—a disease only GENs catch. And GEN warrens and warehouses are being bombed, with only a scrawled clue: F.H.E. Freedom, Humanity, Equality. With the virus and the bombings decimating the GEN community, freedom and love are put on the back burner as Kayla and her friends find a way to stop the killing . . . before it’s too late.
3. Revolution
In this final installment of the Tankborn series, Kayla has been kidnapped by the group that has been bombing GEN warehouses, and she must pretend to sympathize with them in order to escape. In the wake of a devastating bomb blast, severely injured Kayla has been brought to the headquarters of the organization that planted the bomb-and many others like it in GEN food warehouses and homes. Her biological mother tells her that Devak is dead and that Kayla must join her in the terrorist group, which is ramping up for something big. Now Kayla must pretend that she embraces this new role in an underground compound full of paranoia as she plots a way to escape and save her friends. Meanwhile, Devak has emerged from his healing in a gen-tank, only to be told that Kayla is dead and his family has fallen from grace. Can he overcome his grief at the loss of his power to see the clues that point to Kayla being alive? As Kayla and Devak overcome the multiple obstacles put between them while trying to free GENs without further bloodshed, the Tankborn trilogy rushes to a thrilling conclusion!
Giunti Goodreads

4 commenti:

  1. Book 2 (AWAKENING) and Book 3 (REBELLION) were published in English by Lee & Low Books. Giunti did not buy book 2 or 3. The whole trilogy is available world-wide as ebooks in English only.

    1. Thanks for the answer and for the news. I am so disappointed by Publisher Giunti.

    2. I was disappointed as well when they didn't buy the other books.

    3. I'm sorry that the prints are suspended without a real reason.


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